Monday, January 31, 2011

The perfect wash and its secrets

Can you imagine that something as simple and commonplace as the usual gesture of washing your hair can be important part of hair care? Do not just rinse and wipe to care for the beauty of hair. Then we give a few tips for the perfect clean our hair. Notes.

Choosing the right shampoo
The washing step is to find the best shampoo formula to each type of hair. So if your hair is dry, you agree to choose one that nourish and hydrate, while if it is oily and dirty quickly requires Lavant agents.

For its part, fine hair will improve if you wash with shampoo containing volumizers agents, while the damaged hair (dry by being dyed and / or permanent) will agree very rich and nourishing formula. If your hair has dandruff, the problem is solved with shampoos to fight the bacteria causing the disorder. And finally, if you have normal hair, or having to use the same shampoo for several people, it is best to use a formula for daily use, gently clean the hair without damaging or excessively dry.

Underwater, step by step
Before starting the wash, it is important that the hair is completely wet. On the palm of your hand, take a quantity the size of a one euro coin and emulsified slightly. Only then extends through the hair starting at the root and taking after the shampoo to the ends.

Should not use too much shampoo, which only serves to leave a residue. The amount of foam that is produced does not determine the quality of the shampoo, but it contains foaming agents. Also, be careful not to wrap your hair when shampooing, or make those gestures unnecessary typical circular only serve to tie knots in their hair. It is better to make a gesture of opposing collet fingers against the thumb rest, and always up and down gestures to close the cuticle.

Rinse and temperature
Once extended the shampoo, it is important to clarify under running water (eg, if done in the tub, would loose product), and not washing your hair every day, repeat the shampoo, as this second wash is getting a good result.

It is desirable that the water is warm. If you are too cold, it can eliminate the fat, but a very high temperature can create extra production of natural sebum. To get an extra shine, you can do the final rinse with cold water, which helps close the cuticle and, with it, to reflect more light.

The use of conditioner
Contrary to what many think, conditioner, also known as a softener, not just for dry hair. Its mission is to coat the hair cuticle, and thus to protect from external aggression and to create a smooth surface to help reflect light and thus to shine.

When applying conditioner is more important to spread it all and each of the hair with the help of a wide-tooth comb without hitches and with great care, to leave it on longer than directed. When it comes to masks, it is worth creating heat opens the cuticle so the product will penetrate better.

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