This is part of the principles of the army: "uncluttered behind the neck." But there is no question of that here. We are not in the army and we are not talking barber. We're on a fashion website and are now talking about hairstyles tips for women. So why the focus on the strict principle of the short neck? Well because it can be very cute, attractive and sexy. It's clean and, of course, very comfortable.

One of the most important details of some blouses or tunics some, its neck. It is unfortunate that this detail is so often hidden beneath long strands of hair. Some also buy beautiful fashionable outfits with lots of beautiful decorations in the back ... but everything is hidden under long hair.
If you do not want a haircut, a style statement or a ponytail may be a good solution to keep your hair long while unveiling details of the back of your blouse. Your jacket, however, is not necessarily consistent with your long hair. Is not he ever taking a wick in a button? Is already less cute!

The short neck does not necessarily need an ultra-short cut. A neck just released can also be very attractive. She wore a casual jacket with buttons, a collar and a shirt for almost the entire film. Its dynamic air was not just his clothes, but also its square which happened just above the neck.
Are you ready to wear the neck look shorter? Is this a good idea for your next appointment with the hairdresser? Leave your turtlenecks in your wardrobe, button your jacket pretty, go to the hairdresser and say the magic phrase: "well cleared behind the neck, please." A few hours later, you begin to appreciate being able to "live" by taking advantage of the collar of your jacket.
Raise your neck to give a style, or lower it to show your beautiful neck short. It is a style very cute and very refreshing at the same time.
Why not replace your t-shirt with polo comfortable this summer? Enjoy the comfort of a t-shirt while having the added beauty of buttons and collar.